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tema: Umetničke slike i satovi

  1. #1
    Stariji član Avatar korisnika fotopetar
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    Određen forumom Umetničke slike i satovi

    Ovaj post me oduševio,vidjevši slike ručno nacrtane na TZ-UK pomislih moram da pokažem tu kako umjetnik Born T fantastično slika.Uživajte u slikama doista su za melem za oko.

    Spirit of RAF
    IWC Mk XI + RAF Spitfire

    Blazing Typhoon
    Omega RAF + RAF Typhoon

    The Rescuer
    PRS-3 + RAF SAR Sea King

    Deep Sea
    Dreadnought + RN diver

    My Passions
    Omega Sea Master 300 + Lancia Stratoses

    Eberhard Traversetolo + Sopwith Camel + Fokker

    Space mission
    Omega Speedmaster Professional + space station MIR

    First Flight
    Speedbird 1903 + Wright Brothers? maiden flight


    Invicta 9937 + Company owners Tim & Eyal

    Speedbird 1903 + Heron

    Lange & Soehne + Christmas props

    ?Fly? fishing
    Benzinger + ?fly? fishing

    For Professionals
    Breitling Navitimer 806 + BAC Lightnings

    The Pride of Glashuette
    Glashuette Original PanoGraph + Town of Glashuette

    German watches forum logo
    German watch + World map

    One small step
    Omega Speedmaster Professional + Apollo 11 Lunar Module
    7" x 10"
    The time shown is the exact GMT time Neal set foot on the moon

    Further update
    This one is commissioned by a gentleman in Florida.
    The painting features Dornblueth Cal. 99.0 with a sunny beach and a map of Florida.
    Hope you like it.

    Finally, my gallery got updatded again. The new 7x10 inch painting features an issued Hamilton on the theme of the Vietnam war. It is named "Timeless Brothers", and is commissioned by a gentleman in the US.

    I try to capture a somewhat surreal scene of the soldiers coming back from the war and find that nobody forgets them. The soldiers, painted as humans rather than a group of statues in the Vetnam Memorial represent the past. The memorial wall and the man who stands in front it represent the present. The watch and the pavement perspective link the past to the present. The sombre lighting is intended to be ambiguous and is a cross between cool nighttime in Washington and hot sunset in Vietnam.

    It's time for another gallery update. This time it is a Sinn 103 Ti AR with a Eurofighter Typhoon. The 7x10" painting is simply named "Typhoon"
    I use lighting and stormy weather as a background to give the picture some energy and dynamics, and to be in line with the name of the plane. Hope you like it.

    This time it's the old Speedy with Apollo 17.

    The time shown by the watch is the exact hour and minute Gene Cernan left the surface of the moon, in GMT.

    Unless the owner of the painting wants to change its name, it will be called "Last Step on the Moon".

    The painting is 7"x 10" in size and is commissioned by one of our own forum members in England.

    I hope you like it.


    This time I have two new paintings of Doxa watches.

    The first one is the original Sub-300T with Clive Cussler.
    The second one is the origianal 200T graph with a diver.
    Both paintings are commissioned by Pete "Flying Doctor" Millar, our own forum member.

    A couple of prints have been made for each painting, which have been sent to Doxa and Clive and some friends of Pete's. I think he has a plan to reproduce some more for those interested, but you have to ask him directly. I think he's usually at WUS's doxa forum when he's not here.

    Anyway I hope you like them.


    Flying Doctor's Doxa Seahunter.
    The shark may be a bit over-sized but I think it looks good that way-- Jaws's brother perhaps?
    Hope you like it.

    Doxa Diving Star with an old-style diver in watercolour.
    The colour scheme is intended to look nostalgic.
    Hope you like it.

    This one is for Paul. I have to admit this is the first time for me to have a rocker as a subject. I had so much fun trying to capture Lemmy's energy (and wildness? ) Hope it comes out all right?

    The date shown is when Paul went to see a Motorhead concert

    BTW Paul's AP's dial is actually black -- just in case someone try to find that red, blazing dial :wink:


    While I was painting this picture, I inspired myself by making up this little story about the watch (which I have never told anyone, even Pete, until now):

    ?On 12 April 1912, a distinguished diver was aboard the Titanic, setting off for his new diving career in the New World. What he took with him was his best friend and treasure, the Searambler.

    All went well until, alas, the Titanic hit the iceberg at around midnight of 14 April. She then began to sink, taking the diver and his friend, the Searambler, with her.

    In the middle of the freezing Atlantic Ocean, the diver had no chance to survive. But the Searambler kept on doing its duty until they all went past the depth of 300 m (the dive capacity of the watch), at which the sea water started to flood its inside, stopping it.

    The Searambler, along with the Titanic, had lain there until Alvin, the submersible, and her team rediscovered the Titanic in 1985.

    The body of the diver was never found. What was left to remind us of his distinguished career is his trusted friend and treasure, the Searambler. It was found lying at the bottom of the Ocean, registering the last moment of the unsinkable Titanic, and of its own?at about 2.20 am of 15 April 1912. (I allowed a few minutes error for possible imprecise setting of the watch and the time taken before the watch had actually stopped).

    ?The Lost Treasure? was lost no longer.?

    Svaka riječ je suvišna,fenomenalno za vidjet.Ima još slika koje budem naknadno postao.Da napomenem još jednom autor ovih slika je Born T s portala TZ-UK.
    Shmizla, marko14, RUS and 7 others like this.

  2. #2
    Stariji član Avatar korisnika fotopetar
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    Određen forumom re: Umetničke slike i satovi

    Evo još slika

    This time it?s John (Abraxas)?s Damasko DC56 with a Eurofighter.
    The chrono second hand indicates the Combat Take Off Time: 7 s.

    John named the painting "Mission Time".

    This is on it's way to me from Born. I comissioned a Sahara / Dirk Pitt painting and I'm extremely happy with the way it turned out.

    This time it's RLT-17 in a slightly surreal 1919's scene.
    The theme is John (Abraxas)'s idea, and the painting is named ' The Time Is Now'
    I hope you enjoy it.

    During the time in Thailand, I was honoured to be asked to paint these two pictures by a former Portuguese Air Force pilot now living in the US.

    The first one is named "Fifty Years And Counting" which commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the Alpha Jet Squadron "Caracois" (snail) of the Portugese Air Force. The planes are presented here with the legendary Vasco da Gama bridge and a special commemorative version of a Zeno.
    The hands of the watch represents the date and time at which the bridge was first officially open.

    The second picture is named "Guerra ou Paz...Tanto Nos Faz". It depicts an F16 Falcon from the Falcoes Squadron of the Portugese Air Force along with Fortis Falcoes 2000 and a falcon.

    Tag Aquagraph and a SEAL guy. I'm still waiting for the name...

    Corum Shark Chronograph + P40 Shark

    Corum Tiger Chronograph + P40 Tiger

    Umjetnik šta reći.
    Inače cijeli post možete vidjet ovdje My paintings so far.
    Shmizla, RUS, vladas and 6 others like this.

  3. #3
    Saradnik Avatar korisnika anbeast
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    Određen forumom re: Umetničke slike i satovi

    Ha,ha....Realno, nije neka umetnost, ali je svakako vrlo zanimljivo. Mozda bih cak jednu kompoziciju od 3,4,5 akvarela, malog formata i drzao u stanu, fore radi

    Evo malo na temu:

    Salvador Dali - ''Istrajnost secanja'' (Persistence of Memory) 1931.

    Umetničke slike i satovi-the_persistence_of_memory_1931_salvador_dali.jpg Umetničke slike i satovi-melting-clock1024768.jpg

    I na istu temu ali skulpture:

    Umetničke slike i satovi-salvador-dali-melting-clockentrance-art-science-museum.jpg Umetničke slike i satovi-salvador-dali-teardrops-melted-clocks.jpg
    I keep thinking of some mechanic in rural Russia, mending his Raketa in sub-zero temperatures using nothing but a hairpin, a pocket-knife and the tyre-lever from a 1956 tractor.

  4. #4
    Saradnik Avatar korisnika anbeast
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    Određen forumom re: Umetničke slike i satovi

    A kada zelite da doprinesete temi i guglujete pojmove watch i painting, dobijete: Rembrantovu ''Nocnu strazu'' (Night WATCH):

    Umetničke slike i satovi-rembrandt_night_watch.jpg
    I keep thinking of some mechanic in rural Russia, mending his Raketa in sub-zero temperatures using nothing but a hairpin, a pocket-knife and the tyre-lever from a 1956 tractor.

  5. #5
    Saradnik Avatar korisnika anbeast
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    Određen forumom re: Umetničke slike i satovi

    Cuveni, i kontroverzni (u smislu da mnogi smatraju da je pajac koji misli samo na zaradu), moderni umetnik Damijen Hrst (Damien Hirst - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) je obozavalac Paneraia, cak je upotrebio Paneraieve brojcanike za svoja dela. ( Evo i tekstic o tome)


    Umetničke slike i satovi-beautiful-fractional-sunflower-panerai-painting.jpg Umetničke slike i satovi-beautiful-sunflower-panerai-painting.jpg Umetničke slike i satovi-damien-hirst-officine-panerai-04.jpg

    I skulptura istog autora: (zapravo za ovo jos nemam potvrdu da je njegovo, ali svakako sadrzi satove, pa neka ga)

    Umetničke slike i satovi-artwork_images_425477965_698556_damien-hirst.jpg Umetničke slike i satovi-hirst-damien-1965-united-kingd-hours-spin-skull-3225386.jpg
    Poslednja ispravka: anbeast (5.8.2012. u 13:37)
    VLADAN P, Aleksandar89 and vlajo like this.
    I keep thinking of some mechanic in rural Russia, mending his Raketa in sub-zero temperatures using nothing but a hairpin, a pocket-knife and the tyre-lever from a 1956 tractor.

  6. #6
    Stariji član Avatar korisnika araphel
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    Određen forumom Re: SatFoto - SATOVI I PRIBOR ZA PISANJE - Mart 2014

    Ne znam da li je protiv propisa da prilazem vise od jedne fotografije, ali nema veze. Ne mora ova druga da ucestvuje...jednostavno sam imao malo lufta na poslu, pa se poigrao olovkom "za potpisivanje"

    Umetničke slike i satovi-th_wp_20140306_13_37_52_pro.jpg

    Poslednja ispravka: Shmizla (6.3.2014. u 14:10) Razlog: Poruka premeštena u odgovarajuću temu

  7. #7
    Administrator Avatar korisnika Shmizla
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    Određen forumom Re: Off topic chat zez soba!

    Kako bismo izbegli nejasnoće i eventualno zbunjivanje članova koji učestvuju u foto konkursu, post iznad je premešten u drugu temu. U foto konkursu je dozvoljeno učestvovati samo sa jednom fotografijom.

    Inače, Araphel moram pohvaliti svoj talenat za crtanje! I prvi predstavljeni crtež, pa i ovaj drugi su odlični. Ako imaš vremena slobodno nam prikaži još tvojih radova, naravno uslikanih sa satovima...


  8. #8
    Stariji član Avatar korisnika araphel
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    Određen forumom re: Umetničke slike i satovi

    Hvala na ispravci posta! Bolje je ovako...da be pravimo zabunu.

    Radova ima koliko hoćeš, kako ovih skica i usputnih crtkanja, tako i ozbiljnijih, u raznim formatima. Nažalost (ili na sreću) ima ih koji su jako daleko na nekim zidovima, pa ih ne mogu ukombinovati za slikanje sa satovima.

    Hvala na komplimentima!

  9. #9
    Administrator Avatar korisnika Shmizla
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    Određen forumom re: Umetničke slike i satovi

    Još jedno pitanje, šta najčešće crtaš? Da li si možda nekada crtao / skicirao svoje satove? Pozz!

  10. #10
    Stariji član Avatar korisnika araphel
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    Određen forumom re: Umetničke slike i satovi

    U principu kada tako crtuckam, onda su to neki poznati ili nepoznati likovi, face, ruke, ptice, štagod.

    Ako već krenem da nešto ozbiljnije radim, bojama, onda nema pravila...šta natrči. Jako često to budu neke tako iščašene ljudske figure okružene eksplozijama boja, dosta često budu autoportreti (nekad bukvalni, nekad više simbolički)...da ne davim sad

    Nisam se do sada petljao sa skiciranjem satova, nisam ljubitelj tih varijanti crtanja ili slikanja nečeg postavljenog...više volim da pustim da iz glave izađe šta god naleti.

    Možda bih mogao zakačiti par nekih primera, samo nemam pojma, nekako mi ovo nije peikladna tema...nema satova na tim slikama

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